Traffic Law

With years of experience in all manner of driving and licence matters, we regularly provide advice and representation for individuals faced with a traffic offence. We support clients through a range of proceedings, from licence appeals and demerit point reduction applications to contesting the charges at trial. 

We have extensive experience in this heavily regulated and sometimes complex area of law.

BTD Lawyers Criminal Practice

We regularly advise and represent clients:

  • Issued with an Immediate Loss of Licence;
  • At risk of accumulating 12 or more demerit points;
  • In breach of a Good Behaviour Option or Safer Driver Agreement;
  • Charged with offences including exceed speed, drink driving, drug driving, driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, driving disqualified, dangerous driving, cause death by dangerous driving, escape police pursuit and more.


We routinely prevent our clients from losing their licences by way of:

  • Identifying defences to the alleged offence;
  • Demerit Point Reduction Applications; and
  • Licence Hardship Appeals

Areas of practice

How we can help you

Loss of licence

The disqualification and loss of licence due to a driving offence or a breach of probationary or provisional licence conditions can be appealed to the Magistrates Court on the basis of hardship.

Demerit Points

A driver convicted of a traffic offence that carries demerit points may apply to the Magistrates Court to reduce the number of demerit points incurred.

Drink/drug Driving

A drink driving or drug driving offence can result in significant fines, demerit points and licence disqualifications. Serious drink driving offences also require drivers to participate in the alcohol interlock scheme when they regain their licence.

General Traffic Offences

General traffic offences, which result in the accumulation of demerit points, can include speeding, proceeding through a red traffic light, failing to give way and other regulatory offences.

Good Behaviour Options & Safer Driver Agreements

Depending on the offence you are charged with, you may be eligible to enter into a good behaviour option (full licence holders) or safer driver agreement (provisional licence holders) instead of enduring the disqualification issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles.

Demerit Point Reduction Applications

We protect your best interest

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